5 Easy Ways To Practice Mindfulness That Aren’t Meditation

Want to know the easiest ways to practice mindfulness that isn’t meditation? Here are 5 ways to incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine. Plus a bonus at the end!

Mindfulness is a super beneficial practice for our mental health. However, if you are brand new to the concept it can feel incredibly overwhelming. Especially if you are like me and thought the only ways to practice mindfulness are sitting still for 20 minutes, chanting words that seem meaningless, and eating entirely too slow without distractions. Over the years as a Reiki Master and sound practitioner, I discovered 5 main ways to practice mindfulness that actually work.

You will learn ways to practice mindfulness other than meditation, creative ways to practice mindfulness daily, ways to practice mindfulness at work, and mindfulness techniques for stress that friends and I swear by.

Afterwards you will be a pro when it comes to being mindful and fully ready to include these practices into your daily routine.

This article is all about the 11 life changing ways to practice mindfulness for a complete beginners.

Best Ways To Practice Mindfulness

1. Creative ways to practice mindfulness

Creative ways to practice mindfulness

Want a similar experience? Check out Groupon for dance and paint classes in your neighborhood.

Creative ways to practice mindfulness is a personal favorite. There are tons of fun activities to explore that will help you remain in the present moment while also boosting those happy hormones like Serotonin, Dopamine, and Endorphins.

Dancing is one I highly recommend. It brings your awareness back to the body, which we often neglect. You can practice dancing at home, moving quickly or slowly for a few minutes. Or you can take classes, meet people, and experience something new.

Other recommendations for creative ways to practice mindfulness are:

  • Coloring books
  • Crafting
  • Knitting
  • Improv
  • Photography
  • Bake or cook a new recipe
  • Singing

The point of these mindfulness activities is to slow down your thoughts, engage your other senses, and focus on what’s in front of you.

2. Ways to practice mindfulness other than meditation

One of the best ways to practice mindfulness is to lessen screen time. In a world where everything is at our fingertips, we can miss the beauty in creating memories with those we love or strangers who have joined our paths.

If you struggle with putting your phone down, this mindfulness lock box will become your new best friend. By setting a time each day and placing your phone inside, you are free from screens for whatever duration you commit to.

What you will notice over a short span, is a new habit develops of enjoying being screen free. You will also begin noticing rare moments within your environment you would have once missed.

You can purchase this mindfulness lock box at:

  • Amazon
  • Mindsightnow.com

Additional ways to be mindful rather than through meditation is through scent. Using an oil diffuser at different times of day will trigger the brain to recognize the shift. For instance using a refreshing Eucalyptus for the work day and then changing to lavender for the evening helps you become aware of the time blocks.

3. Mindfulness techniques for stress

mindfulness techniques for stress

Highly recommend House of Intuition Magic Candles for a similar alternative!

Life happens and stress hits us in different ways. Some eat over it, others run from it, oftentimes we deny how stressed we are until it hits us in the face. Eventually though we have to deal with the issues. Here are some mindfulness techniques for stress that are healthy and create positive results.

Go for a walk. So simple and free. By leaving the situation, or getting fresh air, we open our minds up to new possibilities on how to resolve the issues at hand. The most important part of the walk is giving your brain a break from thinking about whatever it is that’s stressful. Instead, try to find as many new things on your walk. Feel the breeze on the skin, slow your pace, take a few photos of the view.

Write about it. Similar to how dancing will bring awareness to the body, writing will bring awareness to your mindset and emotions. You will start connecting dots and patterns on how your perception and stories impact the life you are living. Check out my Shadow Journal for 160 journal prompts that dive deep into the subconscious mindset. I created this workbook for myself and friends, and we swear by how effective each question is in getting to the root issue.

Light a candle. Or incense. Or sage. Fire transmutes energy, literally and figuratively. If you have zero control over the situation, light a candle and set the intention to let go. Taking those brief moments to pause, feeling yourself releasing the stress from the body, will do wonders your mind and soul.

4. How to practice mindfulness for anxiety

how to practice mindfulness for anxiety

My crystals are sold on Poshmark.

Anxiety is a tricky one to move through, yet these mindfulness activities are guaranteed to make a difference. Sound healing is my top recommendation as certain frequencies will reset your autonomic nervous system back to parasympathetic (rest and digest mode). I use crystal singing bowls and Tibetan chimes for when anxiety is getting the best of me. You can listen to any of my free sound healing sessions on YouTube.

Hold crystals and sense what you feel. Moonstone, howelite, and lepidolite are calming crystals. In fact, lepidolite has the mineral lithium in it, making it super relaxing. Some can sense the energy as soon as they hold the stones. Use your senses to feel the physical objects in your hand. The smoothness, the temperature, the mass. This helps bring your awareness back into the present moment as well.

Deep and slow breathing. When we are anxious we typically cut off the very thing we need to live, oxygen. Slow down and deepen your breath. This starts to stimulate the Vagus Nerve, which is the main nerve in our parasympathetic nervous system. You will start to calm the body down and then move into a place where you have clarity and insight to navigate through the situation.

5. Ways to practice mindfulness at work

The way you spend your time at work is equally as important to how you spend your time at home. Mainly because of the amount of time we spend in the office (or work from home). Here are simple ways to practice mindfulness at work:

  • Remove or limit distractions
  • Take mini breaks to reduce stress and invigorate ideas
  • Listen and be present with coworkers
  • Make your work meaningful (attach meaning)
  • No screen-time lunches
  • Step outside for a moment
  • Repeat an affirmation or mantra
  • State your intentions before you start your workday

Stretching is another suggestion that I highly recommend. Especially if you sit at a desk. Take five minutes to put your feet up, flex and point your toes to contract and release the muscles. You can also take your hands high above your head and then lean to the right then left to stretch the side body. These simple movements will bring you back into the body. Check in with what it might need. Are you hydrated? Do you need a break? How are you feeling?

Bonus: Easy Daily Mindfulness Activities

examples of mindfulness in everyday life

Grab the Healer workbook on Etsy to dive deep into past wounds!

Cultivating a morning routine that incorporates mindfulness is a lot easier than it sounds. It should take a total of 10 minutes, sometimes even 3 minutes depending on your preferences. However, having that dedicated blip of time in the morning to be mindful will set you up for an incredible day ahead. It will change the tone and mood for what’s to follow. So what should you include in your morning routine?

I highly suggest grabbing a journal and writing down 3 things you are grateful for and your affirmation for the day. Then take an inspiring book you are reading and sit for a few minutes to enjoy one passage with your coffee or tea. This slowing down tells the body you are safe and open to experiences.


I hope this article has been helpful and gave you inspiration on how to start your own journey of mindfulness.

I understand that becoming present and self aware can feel overwhelming when it is brand new. It can feel even more daunting when our only reference to being mindful is through meditation. While I personally love meditating, and suggest a meditation routine that works for you, it’s not the only way to become aware of yourself or your surroundings.

Being mindful can actually add joy and pleasure into your daily routine when it is done right. The remarkable impact is how in tuned we become with our bodies and truest desires. No longer pushed around by what is expected of us. One of the greatest relationships we will ever hold is with ourselves.

Let me know in the comments which of these practices you will be trying!

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